HINT Public Register of Members

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new public register of members, designed to showcase the incredible skills and services provided by our community of dedicated homeopaths. This exciting new feature will allow potential clients and peers to easily find and connect with you based on your location and your areas of expertise.

This information is contained in your Member Profile so making sure your Profile is up to date is important.

Why Update Your Profile?

  1. Increase Visibility: Ensure that your skills and specialties are prominently displayed for potential clients and collaborators.
  2. Professional Recognition: Present your credentials and achievements to enhance your professional credibility.
  3. Connect with the Community: Make it easier for fellow homeopaths to find and connect with you for collaboration and support.
  4. Be Visible to Clients and Service Users: Highlight your practice and services to attract more clients and provide them with the information they need to choose you as their homeopath.

How to Update Your Profile

  1. Log in: Access the Member Area using your credentials.
  2. Profile Update: Navigate to the ‘Member Profile’ section.
  3. Add Your Details: Enter your skill areas, upload a professional image or logo, and complete any other relevant information.
  4. Save Changes: Ensure all details are accurate and click ‘Save Profile’.

Need Help?
Hit the ‘We Are Here’ link at the bottom of any website page. Our support team is ready to help with any questions you may have. You can contact us at office@hint.org.uk or call (+44) 0207 175 7264.

Take Action Today
Your profile is a key component of our professional register. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your professional presence and connect with a wider audience.

Update your profile today!   

Be a part of Homeopathy International
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