
The Homeopathy International Affinity Insurance Scheme

Members of HINT are required to hold professional, public and products liability insurance but it is not a requirement that our members use the HINT Affinity Insurance Scheme

As a HINT member resident in the UK, the HINT Scheme will provide cover for extended periods working in most countries throughout the world (excluding the USA).

Policies start at £19.67 for Students and £55.00 for qualified practitioners.

What does the Professional, Public and Products Liability policy cover?

  • The Insurance Cover is £4,000,000/£6,000,000 (limit of liability) per section any one claim, for an unlimited number of claims in the year, plus unlimited legal defence costs are covered in addition. There is no excess
  • Wide definition of insurance cover is clear and is not restricted to treatment only. This cover includes Medical Malpractice, Professional, Public and Products Liability (claims in this section do not reduce the amount covered for other sections of the policy as is normally the case in other policies). Products Liability is provided for unlimited sales to clients and for up to £30,000 of retail sales (sales to non-clients)
  • This policy is on a Claims Occurring Basis, but with a unique difference. If you do not renew for any reason Run-off cover is automatically included for an unlimited period of time, meaning that if a claim was to be made years down the line after stopping your policy, you will always be covered for work you did within the insured period.
  • The policy includes an upgrade of cover feature which protects you against the effects of inflation, and rising court awards. This cover is a pioneering hybrid offering the advantages of a claims occurrence policy with features normally only found on a claims made policy, but with none of the disadvantages, particularly around the issue of discontinuing cover and possibly being uninsured later on if a claim is discovered. Many wordings give conditional “unlimited” or time restricted run off cover if you cease the policy at any time
  • Teaching and Student Work cover (running a school can be covered separately)
  • Includes Libel and Slander cover
  • All premiums include full malpractice retroactive cover for previously insured work performed
  • Loss of Reputation expenses to help repair damage to your business in the event of a claim against you
  • Breach of Intellectual Property, Client Confidentiality Protection cover
  • Temporary Trips abroad are covered without a time limit (Please refer to the full policy wording for the conditions applicable)
  • Loss of Documents cover included £50,000
  • First Aid cover as well as Good Samaritan Acts
  • Includes Disciplinary Hearings cover, plus Pre disciplinary hearing legal advice up to £1000
  • Students can be covered for all work prior to qualification, subject to adequate supervision and safeguards
  • wide range of activities can be insured, as well as non-treatment related work and advice – our definition of a “Health Professional “ or “Health Business” and the types of situations covered is extremely wide
  • Flexible underwriting to accommodate changes in your practice, fast turnaround of documents and queries.
  • No additional charges for routine changes to cover or duplicate certificates.
  • For full terms and conditions of cover please refer to the policy wording.

Also included is a separate Legal Protection Package underwritten by DAS Legal Expenses Insurance Company Limited (DAS) which covers Criminal Defence and other costs up to £100,000.

Regretfully, the climate of litigation is still deteriorating. Claims, incidents and criminal allegations, including allegations of sexual impropriety or assault are, in our experience, on the increase. The cover includes the following features:

  • Wide range of free 24 hour Advice lines, including Legal/Tax Advice, Counselling, and business support services are included. Corporates entities with employees require a different policy
  • Jury or Witness Service Compensation for lost income as a result of having to attend
  • Defence of your legal rights involving Criminal Proceedings as well as Data Protection and other legislation cover, wrongful arrest, actions against you for unlawful discrimination etc.
  • Negotiation and Representation (including accountant’s fees) in the event of an Inland Revenue partial or full enquiry. Some accountants have been known to charge over £90 for this.
  • Business Assistance Helpline for emergencies involving your premises
  • Disciplinary Hearings Defence and Legal Expenses

The Homeopathy International Affinity Insurance Scheme is available ONLY to current members and to those applying for membership.

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