Patients and Supporters

It is not widely known but as a patient it is your right to choose the kind of medicine you want to use to resolve your issues and maintain your health. Your GP is legally obliged to provide you with information about options so that you can make an informed choice. That is your legal right and your GP’s legal obligation. Research indicates that 7.4 million people use homeopathy in the UK for themselves, their children and their animals. Globally, hundreds of millions more make that choice every day.

Discovering accurate information about Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAMs) is becoming increasingly difficult. Google has developed its own pharmaceutical manufacturing arm and, in mid 2019, deliberately changed its search algorithms to make it increasingly difficult for new searches to show sites giving information about CAMs. After being accused of spreading fake news, Facebook has chosen certain issues to prove this is not the case. When a ‘controversial” post is shared, Facebook posts the opposing view and claims it is the correct version of events. This is happening across a range of topics related to medicine and health, making it much more difficult for someone exploring the possibility of alternative solutions to access the information they need.

The internet, which was our window into the world, and offered a level playing field for everyone to set out their stall, has been co-opted by vested interests determined to suppress ideas that could interfere with their profits.

The Main Stream Media has also involved itself in attempting to undermine CAMs in general, but has focused mainly on homeopathy, not because it doesn’t work but perhaps because it works too well.

Homeopathy offers primary care medicine and therefore potentially presents the greatest challenge to the pharmaceutical industry and their material view of medicine.

Patients are well aware that pharmaceutical medicine is limited. Many patients have been failed by pharmaceutical medicine and others suffer unacceptable levels of toxic side effects. The benefits do not outweigh the risks and it is their right to explore another option. Read more …. 

There are many ways you can help support our work; lobbying for the integration of homeopathy into the NHS; helping protect the rights of homeopaths, doctors and veterinarians to practice homeopathy; supporting our work letting the wider public know about the potential of homeopathy.

Join our Patient and Supporter Registry for less than the cost of a coffee a month.

Why Support HINT?

For you:

Homeopathy Review is published electronically each month and can be accessed wherever you are in the world and on any device with an internet connection

Information and Alert Services
In addition to the Homeopathy Review HINT supporters receive email HINT ALERT notifications of actioned (or proposed) changes in law or regulation which may impact the availability of homeopathy or your ability to access homeopathy

Patient Rights
HINT Supporters have access to a growing library of Patient Rights information and our collection of Template Letters

HINT Supporters are amongst the first to be apprised of our campaigning a lobbying action.  We provide the best routes for your voice to be most effectively used in support of your interest.

For Homeopathy:
Your contribution:

Supports HINT’s services for the public and the profession.
Supports HINT in legally and publicly challenging misinformation and arguments against the restriction of homeopathy services
Supports HINT’s correlation and distribution of accurate information about homeopathy
Supports HINT’s Government and aligned body engagements

Become a HINT Supporter
Our annual HINT Supporter fee is just £36 – roughly equivalent to a cup of coffee a month.

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