Some good news, in fact some great news for homeopaths, their patients and in fact people everywhere.
At the end of January 2024, Workers of England won another significant case in protection of the right to bodily autonomy. In December 2021 Paul Bailey was dismissed from his position in the NHS after refusing to accept the government mandated COVID19 vaccine. Workers of England took his case to tribunal in Bailey v West Midlands Ambulance Services and argued that Paul’s homeopathic lifestyle and claim for bodily autonomy were both protected beliefs. The ensuing Judgement stated, “ The claimant has a philosophical belief, namely the belief in living a homeopathic lifestyle and having bodily autonomy, in particular having the right to determine what medications/vaccinations he should have, which qualifies as a protected belief within the meaning of Section 10 of the Equality Act 2020”.
This potentially sets a new legal milestone and will impact homeopathy, on going medical choice and any future ‘mandates’, including for the childhood vaccines.
The thousands of workers dismissed for not following the government mandate will have a case for reinstatement or compensation, unless their employers already had in place a specific policy demanding compliance.
At HINT our stated purpose is to defend the homeopath’s right to practice and the patient’s right to choose the medicine that is right for them. We say this is a win, win, win.