COVID-19 Advice
COVID-19 – Advice from Homeopathy International
However, one of the most important things you can do for yourself and for your health right away is to find and focus on those things that you can control.
The government has taken the decision to suppress the spread of COVI-19 and the advice from the UK’s Chief Medical Officer is based around hygiene and prevention – things you can and should do to actively minimise your possibility of coming into contact with the virus.
For further information see official guidance from the UK government, the UK NHS and World Health Organisation.
What we know about Coronavirus – COVID-19
Coronavirus is a group of common viruses which can cause colds, influenza-like symptoms and pneumonia. COVID-19 is a new strain of coronavirus circulating in the population and people have not yet built immunity to it.
It appears to affect groups with the weakest immune systems like the elderly, people with existing medical conditions, particularly those with respiratory problems and those whose immune systems are compromised.
Because COVID-19 is so new, there are not yet any scientific double blind trials for treatment, homeopathic or pharmaceutical.
What you can do immediately
At this point, the most important focus should be to make sure your immune system is as strong and healthy as possible, so should you come into contact with the virus, you give your immune system the best chance to ensure that your symptoms are mild.
There are many ways to increase your immunity to COVID-19 and other pathogens, all supported by scientific research. Taking action is also empowering and in and of itself increases immunity.
The main areas to consider are:
Food – eating a healthy diet including at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Cutting down refined carbs and especially sugar, which has been found to depress the immune system for at least 5 hours.
Hydration – make sure you stay well hydrated. Every process in your body needs water to be able to function and that includes your immune system. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids, learn to love water, flavour it with a squeeze of lemon or lime. Avoid fizzy drinks, too much tea and coffee, which although liquids are also diuretics, and will dehydrate rather than hydrate your system. Moderate alcohol as well.
Exercise – take regular moderate exercise, walking, jogging, biking, climbing stairs, whatever you are able to do, make it your new routine. If you can do it outside then all the better, it will benefit both your physical and your mental health.
Sleep – sleep is crucial for a healthy immune system. The blue light emitted by screens interferes with melatonin, a chemical essential for healthy sleep, so wind down from computer, tablet and mobile phone screens at least an hour before bed.
Breathing – it’s easy to feel anxious in an uncertain situation and focusing on your breathing several times a day is a good way to reduce anxiety. Making sure you take long, deep and slow breaths, breathing through your nose, can help with lung health and anxiety. Even 5 minutes a day of deep breathing can help. Check every once in a while during the day that you are not breathing fast and shallow – it’s a function of anxiety that also exacerbates the anxiety.
In any situation where there is rapid change, unfamiliar circumstances and lack of certainty it would not be surprising if you felt anxious, frustrated, fearful or helpless. We have all been plunged into a situation which is out of our control.
Supplements – There is evidence that regular supplements of probiotics, vitamins C and D, Zinc and Selenium can reduce the length and/or severity of upper respiratory tract infections.
You can find more information about these suggestions and more on our COVID-19 Videos page.
Acceptance – if you are able to live in the moment and accept that we are in this situation right now, but it will not last forever, you will find that much of the anxiety is removed. We are where we are and no amount of wishing it were different will change that. There are plenty of resources on acceptance and mindfulness on line to help with this.
What about homeopathy?
Homeopathic medicines have a long history of use in respiratory tract infections, infections with flu-like symptoms and in epidemics.
Homeopathy is a system of medicine that is individualised for each person rather than for a named disease, however there are a group of remedies that are frequently used in flu-like and respiratory tract infections.
Choose the homeopathic medicine that best fits your particular symptoms.
Commonly used homeopathic remedies for influenza – like symptoms.
Aconite: When it starts suddenly, a fever with chilliness, throbbing pulses, Feeling restless and anxious. After being out in cold dry weather and bitter winds.
Gelsemium: The opposite of Aconite. Comes on slowly. A feeling of heaviness and tiredness in the body and limbs, head feels to heavy to hold up. Chills in the back. A bursting headache. No thirst.
Bryonia: Comes on slowly. Thirsty for cold drinks. Headache, irritability, wants to be in own home, left alone. Everything is worse for movement and better for pressure.
Eupatorium perf: Severe aches in limbs and back, a feeling “like broken bones”. Dare not move for pain. A bursting headache. Sore eyeballs. Feels better for talking to someone.
Baptisia: Rapid onset, then falls into a kind of stuporous state with a red face and looks drugged. Falls asleep while talking. May be strange feelings as if limbs are distorted or out of place. May be vomiting and diarrhoea and mucous in the chest.
Homeopathy can be really helpful with feelings of anxiety, stress and grief choose the homeopathic medicine that most closely matches how you feel.
Commonly used homeopathic remedies for anxiety, grief, fear of illness.
Arsenicum alb: Anxious, restless, chilly. Worries about their health. Worries about contamination. Likes everything ordered and clean.
Aconite: Anxiety after intense sudden shock or fright, maybe from fear for their own or the life of others.
Coffea: Anxiety with over excitability, over sensitive to everything Difficult to rest and relax, feels ‘wired’, on edge.
Gelsemium: Anxiety with trembling, shaking, external or internal.Anticipatory anxiety. Diarrhoea from the anxiety.
Cocculus: Great heaviness and dullness after fright, often with sadness and weeping.
Ignatia: Sudden shock, loss of loved ones, can’t swallow as if a lump in their throat, constant sighing. breathing difficulty, Can’t stop crying or can’t cry at all.
Pulsatilla: Feels lost, deserted, weepy. Mood constantly changing, wants company and consolation.
Homeopathy should form only one part of your overall approach to remaining healthy during this time of COVID-19.
Follow the suggestions about how to strengthen your immune system and reduce your chance of coming into contact with the virus by following the guidelines given by the NHS, including calling 111 to seek advice if you have symptoms or are concerned you may have been exposed to the virus.
You can find out more about homeopathy by exploring our website, including the wealth of research supporting the efficacy of homeopathy.
To your best health yet.