Membership options

  • Full Member

    £230.00per annum

    monthly, bi-annual and yearly payment options

    Membership of Homeopathy International is open to practitioners of Homeopathy who have trained on a HINT approved course or who have satisfied HINT that their training and practical skills meet the required standard. Full members are entitled to use the designated letters R.Hom.Int. after their names and must be fully insured to practice.
  • Overseas Member

    £180.00per annum

    single payment option only

    Overseas Membership of Homeopathy International is open to individuals who have completed a HINT recognised award or course, or who have satisfied HINT that their training and practical skills meet the required standard and are resident outside the UK. Overseas Members are entitled to use the designated letters R.Hom.Int. after their names.
    • Non-Practising Member

      £75.00per annum
      Non-practising Membership of Homeopathy International is open to practitioners who have retired or are taking a break from practice. This membership keeps you informed and participatory in your profession without the requirement of insurance or CPD. Non-practising members must upgrade to Full Membership when returning to practice.
    • Student

      £35.00per annum
      All students studying Homeopathy may join as Student Members. Upon qualification students may apply to join as Full Members. Those students on non-approved courses may, upon qualification submit application for Full Membership and will be considered against the admissions criteria on an individual basis.

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