
Support the Integration of Homeopathy into the NHS – Sign the Petition Today!

Published on 22nd June 2024 in Uncategorized, Blog, Public News.
This is an urgent call to action that could significantly impact the future of homeopathy within the NHS. So here is the news…..and don’t keep it to yourself! NHS Constitution Public Consultation This consultation is an essential opportunity for stakeholders to influence how the NHS operates and ensures it remains responsive to the evolving needs…   read more

Research Evidence Base List

Published on 5th September 2018 in Uncategorized.
Claims are regularly made in the media and by various “authorities” that there’s no evidence for homeopathy. Whether this declaration is made through simple ignorance, stupidity or with the deliberate intent to deceive, would make an excellent topic for investigation. Either way, the assertion that there’s no evidence for homeopathy is plainly and clearly wrong.…   read more
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